26th Sept - Still not seeing many birds at the moment in the woodland, I have been looking for the Birds nest Fungi but no luck as yet, I did find this nice Fly Agaric appropriately under a Silver Birch Tree, newly emerged Stump Puffball and a small unidentified fungi.
Fly Agaric |
Stump Puffball |
? |
22nd Sept- Not been much to report of late, bird sightings remain
elusive the only bird of note was a single Treecreeper seen unusually on the
edge of the orchard.
An interesting chat with a fungi enthusiast led to him
showing me some emerging Fluted Birds nest Fungi coming through the leaf
litter, which to be honest I could not even focus on with my eyes let alone try
and get a photograph of.
My first Araneus
quadratus or Four-spotted Orb Weaver was seen today, the first a probable
male taking into account its small size dealing with a freshly caught fly in
the long grass alongside the track fence.
male Araneus quadratus |
Another Araneus
quadratus again in the long grass in
the meadow looks like a plump female.
female Araneus quadratus |
Not sure what this fungi is called at the moment, seen growing in the long grass in the hedgerow.